Band directors know that good subs who have a music education background are hard to come by. Having a quality sub plan that even a non-music educator can implement is an important part of a band director’s toolbox. Of course, we prefer that our students play their instruments when we are out, but that is not always an option. We have put together 6 band director sub plans to have ready-to-go that your students will enjoy and that any non-music sub can facilitate! These can be purchased individually or as a bundle.
Students will learn about the life of famous composer, John Williams, and do a music listening activity with some of his most famous works including Star Wars, Harry Potter, Superman, Home Alone, an Olympic Theme and more. The substitute does not need any prior musical knowledge! Note: Technology is needed for this lesson. Access to the internet greatly enhances the lesson and is recommended.
What’s Included:
- Instructions for you, plus clear substitute instructions of how to use this lesson
- A PowerPoint slideshow presentation “John Williams- Music in the Movies” containing links to engaging YouTube videos (includes the music listening segment)
- About John Williams Worksheet (answer key included)
- Music Listening Worksheet
There are so many different career paths that involve music! Students will explore the many possible careers that a music education could prepare them for such as teaching, performing, composition, instrument repair, instrument manufacturing and more!
This lesson was written for a 50-minute class.
What’s Included:
- Instructions for you, plus clear substitute instructions of how to use this lesson
- An information sheet (front and back) about Careers in Music for students to read.
- A fill in the blank worksheet to assess student understanding
- A small group card game about careers in music
- A worksheet exploring how many qualities they learn/use in band will help them in any career they choose in the future.
This lesson plan discusses beat and time signature and includes links to three engaging videos for students to watch. The word for word script makes this lesson practical for any sub to facilitate! Written for a 35-40 minute class, students will have plenty to do to ensure they won’t finish early. Substitute instructions tell the substitute not to worry if they don’t get it all finished. This is also a great plan for upper elementary students!
What’s Included:
- Instructions for you, plus clear substitute instructions of how to use this lesson
- A word-for-word script of what to say (this is why the sub doesn’t need to understand music to be able to teach it.)
- Short TEDed video – How to Read Music
- Discussion (scripted)
- Movement activity related to meter – 4/4 (scripted)
- Movement activity related to meter – 3/4 (scripted)
- Movement activity related to meter – 3/4 against 4/4 (scripted)
- Short TEDed video – A-rhythm-etic
- TEDed – Why We Love Repetition in Music
- Movement activity – meter challenge (scripted)
- Short video – From the Top – Star Wars Mashup
- Additional video if there is extra time – Sound of Music Flash Mob (YouTube)
Students will learn about the President’s Own Marine Band as well as the life of John Philip Sousa. This lesson plan can be used any time of year to help you out in a bind, but it is especially fun to use for a Veteran’s Day music activity or Memorial Day music activity.
What’s Included:
- Instructions for you, plus clear substitute instructions of how to use this lesson
- A slideshow presentation of the President’s Own Marine Band with links to engaging YouTube videos your students will love!
- A Marine Band information worksheet as well as a “fill in the blank” version for students to assess understanding
- A “During John Philip Sousa’s Lifetime” info sheet and fill in the blank worksheet
- Small group activity instructions
Emergency Lesson Plan #1 (This one is FREE!)
Students love the engaging videos in this lesson and the written quizzes are great to assess student learning! This plan was written for a 50-minute class and includes an extra video at the end to be sure there is plenty for students to do. Substitute instructions tell the substitute not to worry if they don’t get it all finished.
What’s Included:
- Instructions for you, plus clear substitute instructions of how to use this lesson
- 5 short videos about music (4-6 minutes each) from the TEDed website
- “How to Read Music”
- “How Brass Instruments Work”
- “How Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brain”
- “A-rhythm-etic – The Math Behind the Beats”
- “Music and Math – The Genius of Beethoven” (if extra time needed)
- Questions about each video to keep students engaged and make them think
- Questions include multiple choice and short answer
Emergency Lesson Plan #2
This lesson includes 6 engaging, quality videos that students will love! They particularly enjoy learning about how instruments are made. The plan was written for a 50-minute class, with plenty of material to be sure they won’t finish early. Substitute instructions tell the substitute not to worry if they don’t get it all finished.
What’s Included:
- Instructions for you, plus clear substitute instructions of how to use this lesson
- Seven short, quality YouTube videos about music (4-6 minutes each)
- Khan Academy – Note values, duration & time signature
- Khan Academy – Rhythm, dotted notes, ties & rests
- How It’s Made (Instrument #1)
- How It’s Made (Instrument #2)
- Star Wars: A New Hope Ending
- Star Wars: A New Hope Ending – second version
- TEDed – Why We Love Repetition in Music
- Questions about each video to keep students engaged and make them think
- Questions include multiple choice and short answer
Sub Tub Prep Pack
Want to be prepared for your sub? These editable and printable sub binder pages will help you get organized! You can edit any of the pages to personalize for your own classroom needs. Also included is a blank PDF set for those that would rather print and hand-write the substitute information. One bonus Music Substitute plan is included in this pack! It is perfect for a non-music sub.
What’s included:
- Sub Binder Cover
- Welcome page
- Contact info page
- Class Roster
- Daily Schedule
- Duty Schedule
- School Info
- Where Can I Find it?
- Student Info
- Classroom Expectations
- Have Questions? (list of people that can help if sub has questions)
- Technology info
- Behavior Plan
- Emergency Info & Procedures
- Lesson Plan Divider
- Substitute Notes Page
- Suggestions of extra items to include
- Substitute Lesson- “Emergency Plan #1”
We hope these quality sub plan will help you feel prepared for unexpected absences. They are great to save in advance so your are prepared for the next time you have to be out. Want to save money? You can find the bundle of all of these lesson plans, including the sub prep pack here!

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