“Band Directors Travel FREE!” Ever heard that one before?
Well, it’s true. It’s an actual tradition in student group travel for the band director to travel free of cost. After all, they’re using their nights and weekends to take their students on a transformative travel experience and they just plain deserve it.
But, like mama used to say: “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” So here’s the inside truth we think you should hear: the complimentary band director package is not actually free. The tour company takes the cost of the band director’s tour package and divides it among the number of paying travelers.
What About Assistant Director Or Chaperone Comps?
The same principle applies for your assistants and chaperones: the cost of each free adult will be divided among your paying travelers. That said, some tour companies will advertise a comp ratio, like one free comp for every 25 paying travelers. Others will offer a fixed number of comps, like two free teachers no matter what. The main thing to keep in mind is that these are just guidelines.
In fact, people always ask us, “how many comps do we get?” and the real answer is- it’s up to you! Now that you know the truth about how comps work you can approach the situation more realistically, which is why we prefer being transparent about the topic in the first place.
The Truth Will Set Your Fee
We encourage band directors to ask themselves, how many comps do I need? The head director will always be free, but how many assistants do you have? Does an administrator need to go free of charge? Is there an accompanist necessary for a big concert? Some directors will also ask for comp packages for their spouse or child. Just keep in mind that the more comp travelers you ask for, the higher the trip cost will be for the paying travelers. Think through the staff/personnel necessary to make this trip a success and communicate that to your tour operator.
An Overlooked Cost Factor: Rooming Arrangements
Once you know who must be on the trip, the next step is determining if they’ll each need a private hotel room or if they can share two people to a hotel room. Double occupancy packages are less expensive than single occupancy packages, so sharing rooms helps. That said, asking your assistant and your principal to share a room might create more drama than it’s worth.
Delivering Your Comp Decision
With this information in hand, you can tell your tour operator exactly what you need in a way they’ll understand. That might sound like: four complimentary packages- two at double occupancy, and two at single occupancy. Then whether you have 100 travelers or 50 travelers, those four important people will be covered in the way you need, and your tour operator can calculate an accurate trip cost that reflects your needs.
Enjoy Your Trip!
We hope that knowing the truth about how comps work on student group trips can help you plan your trips better. Hopefully now you’ll be able to build the necessary support team you need to make the trip a success, while being conscientious of how it impacts the cost for your paying travelers. But more than anything, we hope you and your group have an incredible trip!
Now is the time to plan your trip for 2024-25! Consider a multitude of other destinations to excite and enrich your performance groups in the upcoming year. Either way, Green Light loves to see groups traveling, performing, and reaching their goals, and we’re happy to assist in that process however possible.
Green Light Group Tours is providing this FREE download of tried-and-true tips and suggestions for creating the best travel experience ever! Instant download available HERE. Ready to request a quote for your next band trip? You can do that HERE.
Special thanks to our business partners Green Light Group Tours and Arpyl Black & Erik Young for this article. Green Light specializes in exciting and educational travel experiences for your students.
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