Band Directors’ Workshop 2019 was AMAZING! Don’t just take our word for it. As you scroll through this article, watch the 30-second videos of the participants telling you what they thought!
The workshop began on July 7th with directors meeting in Canyon, TX on the beautiful campus of West Texas A&M University.
If anyone wants a great band experience, take the time to go to West Texas A&M for the Band Directors’ Workshop. New directors will find plenty of help and ideas, and experienced directors get a great recharge and chance to collaborate with people from all over.
Sunday afternoon consisted of:
Moving into the dorm (Great dorm — this year we had apartment style suites!)
Grocery store runs
Meet & Greet meeting – we had directors from India, Australia, Colorado, Kentucky, Missouri, Alabama and ALL over Texas.
Dinner together
Full 67th Annual WTAMU Band Camp faculty meeting where Directors’ Workshop Participants were introduced.
Monday morning:
Taking advantage of the cool morning weather, we hiked the beautiful Palo Duro Canyon and got to enjoy nature, interact as a group and remember to keep this wonderful ‘band director’ life in perspective and in balance.
Monday afternoon/evening:
Business matters (like getting our wi-fi codes!), group meals, group meeting
Observation of the Band Camp Honors Band Rehearsal, directed by Dr. Gary Garner
Monday night:
Had WAY too much fun playing card games in the dorm lobby. By the end of this first day we knew we had a PERFECT group of Band Directors to spend the week with!
I have never felt more welcomed into a community and I have NEVER been to a PD where I learned so much. And the best part – it’s all knowledge I can put into practice NOW! I’m so excited for this school year now and I can’t wait to come back next year and do it all again.
Morning Band Camp Band observations:
— Junior High Honors Band (Cindy Bulloch, Kim Cooley)
— High School White Band (Mike Sheffield, Eric Rettig)
11:10 instrumental class – Flute, Helen Blackburn (many minds were blown)
Talk Shop Clinics (specifically for Band Directors’ Workshop)
— Cody Myers (Lesson learned from 30 years as a band director and Fine Arts Administrator)
— BJ Sayger (Work/life balance discussion)
3:30 – Directors Band, directed by Dr. Gary Garner (Band made up of camp faculty & visiting directors – picture below)
4:30 – Full Faculty Directors’ Workshop – John Mireles – beginning trombone
7:00 – TEXAS Outdoor Musical Drama in Palo Duro Canyon
AMAZING week of learning at WT this past week! I gained so much in the classes, met some passionate educators but most of all I got information that I can put to work tomorrow. I’m more excited than ever to teach band!!
Morning Band Camp Band observations:
— Junior High Flute Sectional (Dr. Lyndsay Eiben) and flute master class for Workshop participants!
— High School Concert Band (Jim Shaw, Bill Allred)
11:10 instrumental class – Clarinet, Doug Storey
Talk Shop Clinics (specifically for Band Directors’ Workshop)
— Dick Clardy – Developing a program of excellence
— Cindy Bulloch – Teaching beginners with a methodical routine and developing a culture in your program
3:30 – Directors Band Rehearsal
4:30 – Full Faculty Directors’ Workshop – Jordan Freeman/Anthony Rivera, The First Years of Teaching
7:00 – YATZEE tournament and S’mores at the Dorm (We put the camp in band camp, y’all!)
Morning Band Camp Band observations:
— HS woodwind sectional and HS Brass sectional.
— Symphonic Band (Paul Worsello) as they prepared for the World Premiere of “The Sun Always Shines” commissioned by Band Directors Talk Shop in honor of long time WT Band Camp faculty director, Randy Storie. This piece was composed by Eric Rath, a current WT Band Camp faculty director and Band Directors’ Workshop was able to watch it being rehearsed with the antiphonal brass for the first time. (Read more and get a FREE copy of the score and parts HERE.)
11:10 instrumental class – Bassoon, Dr. Tina Carpenter
Talk Shop Clinics (specifically for Band Directors’ Workshop)
— Dr. Harry Haines – Continuing professional growth, How do band directors REALLY get better?
— Eric Rath – Commissioning a work, percussion tips
3:30 – Directors Band Rehearsal
4:30 – Full Faculty Directors’ Workshop – Dick Clardy – Things Learned from Mentors and myself
7:00 – Directors’ dinner at a delicious Italian restaurant in Amarillo (provided by the camp!) Evenings in the Texas panhandle are beautiful!!
100% of attendees would encourage colleagues to attend!
Morning Band Camp Band observations:
— Individual conferences with experienced directors on any topic you didn’t feel was covered yet (organized based on individual needs/requests)
— Choose your own adventure to observe whatever you feel you need more of
11:10 instrumental class – Saxophone, Dr. James Barger
Talk Shop Clinics (specifically for Band Directors’ Workshop)
— Colleagues and Friends of Randy Storie – Memories of Mr. Storie and how band directors make a difference
— Dr. BJ Brooks – Rescoring music for small bands or sections
3:30 – Directors Band Rehearsal
4:30 – Full Faculty Directors’ Workshop – Dick Clardy – beginning trumpet
7:00 – BUNCO night (and then more card games and laughing for the night owls!)
Morning meeting – processing take-aways from the week and putting them into practice
Last minute observations of band rehearsals as they prepare for concerts
Afternoon/Evening concerts
After concert dinner in Amarillo – 60ish AMAZING band directors at ONE table and we forgot to get a picture! We’ll get one next year!
Camp continues for another week and some of the participants chose to stay to continue with a more self-directed observation program. 11:10 classes covered brass/percussion and the 3:30 classes and 4:30 directors’ band continued with a stunning Directors Band concert on Thursday of the 2nd week. Concerts happen again on Friday (with a whole new set of directors and music). Other highlights of the second week are the guest musician (this year was John Tegmeyer, clarinet), percussion ensemble, brass choir, woodwind choir & directors’ jazz band concerts, and the Fajita Dinner which you have to experience to appreciate!
75% of attendees plan to attend again next year and the other 25% hope to attend again in a future year.
We always ask our kiddos to go to band camp and we should do the same. Learning from the best educators in our state was a true honor and something I will never forget.
So, what’s the cost you ask??
It’s hard to believe, but ask any of these attendees and they’ll tell you it’s true! Attending is completely FREE and you are only responsible or your housing and food. The cost of the dorm this year was around $200 for the 1st week and $350 if you stayed both weeks. It changes slightly each year based on WTAMU housing costs, but $200 for a life-changing experience is pretty incredible!
If you’d like to be on an email list to receive more information as we get close to opening registration for 2020, please sign up HERE.
Come TALK SHOP with us next year!!
Related Reading:
What is Band Directors’ Workshop?
The Sun Always Shines – Grade 3.5 work for concert band
Band Directors Talk Shop
Learn. Share. Inspire.

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