The “End of Year Band Evaluation” can make a difference with you, your students and your program. Read this article and then download a FREE PDF here. Use these ideas as a template and adjust over the years to fit your needs.
Without proper self-evaluation, failure is inevitable. – John Wooten
Celebrate what you accomplish, but raise the bar each time you succeed. – Mia Hamm
The end of the year is the perfect time to look back and evaluate how close you came to your goals. Take the time to fill out this checklist for every class. If you make this an annual tradition you will have a better sense of how to start the year and how to plan better to reach your goals.
End of Year Band Evaluation
This is not a ‘checklist’ but a ‘percentage list.’ Fill in the line to the left of the objective with the percentage of students that are able to meet that goal consistently (95% of the time or more). For example, if 10 out of 20 students in one class can count syncopated rhythms independently 95% of the time, you would write 50% in that blank. If all 20 students can do it 95% of the time, you’d write 100.
This list is meant to be filled out for each class. It is structured for beginning band but can be adjusted for advanced bands. The more you can break it down by section, the more specific feedback you will have. There are some places where you can add instrument specific objectives. You can also add your own notes on the sides/bottoms of pages.
This is meant to be saved and referred to when setting goals for future years and gauging progress in future years. By reflecting on the year in May, you can set goals for the next year while priorities, strengths and weaknesses are fresh on your mind. If you fill out evaluations yearly (and save them), you can reap great benefits for improved teaching and growth in the quality and success of your program.
Grab this FULL evaluation – Ready to print PDF here!
Student – End of Year Band Evaluation
Class Routine
____ class starts quickly and quietly
____ students know the routine for class and can replicate it at home for practice
____ feet flat, back straight, sitting tall on front 4 inches of chair
____ instruments are held in correct playing position
____ hand position is correct when playing
____ right hand
____ left hand
____ students are actively engaged from ‘bell to bell’ (entire class period)
____ students have instruments to their face, ready to play at correct times
____ students refrain from talking unless appropriate
____ students have positive attitude about band class
Notes – __________________________________________________________________________________________________
____ students play with correct embouchure (fill in specific attributes)
____ students play with characteristic sound
____ on whole note
____ on moving notes
____ when tonguing
____ in all ranges
____ students play with excellent breath support
____ students play in tune (as developmentally appropriate)
____ foot tap is big/strong and constant
____ simple foot tap (down/up)
____ compound foot tap (down/press/up)
____ students have aural and mental pulse
____ can pulse the 8th note or 16th note as appropriate
____ can subdivide beat while playing accurate rhythms independently
____ students are able to clap rhythms while foot keeps the beat
____ confident voice
____ complete individual participation when group counts
Rhythmic patterns students can count/clap/foot tap individually:
____ quarter notes ____ eighth notes ____ sixteenth notes
____ half/whole notes ____ dotted quarter notes ____ 6/8 dttd 8th/8th notes
____ dotted half notes ____ syncopation ____ 6/8 sixteenth notes
Music Theory
____ note names (immediate recall within practical playing range)
____ musical symbols – clef, bar line, repeat sign etc.
____ understanding of key signature
____ apply key signature consistently
____ enharmonics (sharps/flats and how they relate)
____ parts of instrument, instrument care, reed care
Notes – __________________________________________________________________________________________________
List supplemental exercises here (ex. brass lip slurs, clarinet register studies)
____ how far did you get in the book (write line # in blank)
One octave scales (Tempo =___)
____ Concert Bb ____ Concert F ____Chromatic
____ Concert Eb ____ Concert C
____ Concert Ab ____ Concert G
____ Concert Db ____ Others – ____________
Two octave scales (Tempo =___)
____ Concert Bb ____ Concert F ____Chromatic
____ Concert Eb ____ Concert C ____ 3 oct Chromatic
____ Concert Ab ____ Concert G ____ Full Chromatic
____ Concert Db ____ Others – ____________
Overall range
100% of students can play this range easily – ( ____ low to ____ high)
80% of students can play this range easily- ( ____ low to ____ high)
50% of students can play this range easily- ( ____ low to ____ high)
____ students use correct alternate/chromatic fingers when needed
____ students look correct when tonguing (no movement)
____ students tonguing sounds correct
____ students consistently tongue/slur correctly on prepared music
____ students consistently tongue/slur correctly when sightreading
100% of students can tongue 8th notes at this tempo easily m=____
80% of students can tongue 8th notes at this tempo easily m=____
50% of students can tongue 8th notes at this tempo easily m=____
____ students tongue legato while maintaining a good tone
____ students can tongue staccato while maintaining a good tone
Notes – __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Check out our Summer Themed Note Name Speed Races Game
____ students meet deadlines on paperwork assignment (return forms etc.)
____ students meet deadlines on playing assignments
____ students meet expectations on home practice
____ students attend section rehearsals/other rehearsals/individual appointments
____ students attend concerts/performances
Practice Techniques
____ students use metronome, tuner and/or other tools as appropriate
____ students count/clap and name/finger before playing new lines
____ students practice in small sections (1-2 measures)
____ students practice what they don’t know, not what they do know
____ students perform for others (in class/at home)
Notes – __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Strengths – __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Weaknesses – __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Priorities for next year – __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program – End of Year Band Evaluation
____ students that were enrolled at the beginning of the year are enrolled now
____ students that are enrolled now have selected band for next year
Goals for retention next year: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Private Lessons
____ students enrolled in private lessons at the beginning of the year
____ students enrolled in private lessons now
Goals for private lessons next year: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Students with step-up/high quality instruments
____ students who currently have an acceptable quality instrument
____ students who currently have acceptable quality reeds/mouthpieces/supplies
____ students who have above average (advanced/professional) instrument
Goals for improved instrument quality next year: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Administrative Support
____ director has shared positive news with administration through the year
____ director has privately thanked administration
____ principal/assistant principal
____ fine arts administrator/superintendent
____ director has publicly thanked administration
____ director has positively communicated need with administration
____ director has followed school protocols and supported school-wide goals
____ director collaborated with administration about:
____ calendar/scheduling
____ finances/staffing/supplies
____ parent and student problems as they arise
Goals for administrative partnership next year: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parental Support
____ parents provide needed band supplies for students
____ parents support students practice time
____ director has educated parents about the need for practice and practice routine
____ parents attend concerts
____ approximate number of parents that have entered your band hall this year
____ approximate number of parents that attend booster meetings
____ approximate number of parents that:
____ chaperoned a band event/trip
____ assisted in the band hall with paperwork type activities
____ number of emails you sent inviting parents to volunteer (not attend concerts)
____ number of individual, personal thank you letters/emails sent to volunteers
____ director has publicly thanked volunteers as a group
Goals for parental partnership next year: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Teacher (Campus) Support
____ approximate number of teachers who have attended a concert this year
____ number of times you have attended another teacher’s event (sports, art show)
____ number of personal thank you notes/emails you have sent to another teacher
____ director has sent thank you notes to elementary school teachers
Goals for campus partnership next year: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Community Support
____ director has made community aware of band successes
____ newspaper articles
____ district/school website
____ school sign/marque
____ performance in community (parade, elementary schools)
Goals for community partnership next year: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.
Never stop investing, never stop improving, never stop trying something new. – Bob Parsons
Download a FREE PDF of the evaluation here.
Related Reading:
Keeping School-owned Instruments in Top Condition
Meaningful Gifts for your Students as they “Graduate” from your Program
Organizing a Band DIRECTOR Calendar (to help you next year)
Do you know band directors who are trying to raise their standards and reach new goals? Please consider SHARING this post on Facebook so others can learn as well!
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